Helen Mackay
Juno Director

I’m passionate about the value that great lawyers create when they work inside and alongside their client organisations. I help companies and public sector entities get optimal value from their legal services, effectively manage risk and achieve high performance through their in-house legal team. With more than 20 years’ experience as an in-house lawyer in New Zealand and the UK (including seven years leading the professional association for in-house lawyers), I believe in the strategic firepower of business advice delivered by highly experienced in-house lawyers. My focus is to seamlessly connect Juno lawyers into organisations and improve the strategy, design and performance of in-house legal functions.
Before Juno
In-house Lawyers Association of New Zealand | Executive Officer
New Zealand Oil & Gas | General Counsel
Vector | Legal Counsel
Natural Gas Corporation | Legal Counsel
Novartis UK | Legal Counsel
Nestle UK | Legal Counsel
Electricity Corporation of New Zealand | Legal Counsel
Contributing editor, LexisNexis 2020 – Practical Guidance for In-House Lawyers
Co-author 2012 and 2014 Australia and New Zealand In-house Counsel Leading Practices and Benchmarking report.
Contributing author LexisNexis 2015 - Balancing Work and Life: a Practical Guide for Lawyers
Co-Chair, In-house Counsel Worldwide establishment body
Past President – In-house Lawyers Association of New Zealand
Former Chair - Island Bay School Board
Volunteer Counsellor – Youthline New Zealand
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