Margot Lyons


Juno Lawyer


Margot Lyons | Juno Legal | Lawyer


I am an experienced commercial lawyer who has worked in in-house and private practice roles across the public and private sectors. I also spent 10 years running my own business while my children were young.

Early on in my career, I focused primarily on commercial property work; advising clients across a broad range of industries including including property developers and investors, banks, insurance companies, supermarkets, telcos, airports, regional authorities, and central and local government. More recently, while supporting in house legal teams have enjoyed working on a much broader range of legal matters as well as commercial property transactions.

I am adaptable and able to tackle new situations and tasks with confidence. I enjoy stripping away ambiguity and legalese from documents and advice and presenting clients with solutions they can understand.

Juno Clients

Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington (multiple engagements), Contact Energy, Johnson Corner, Engineering NZ

Before Juno

Avid legal - supporting Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment | Senior Solicitor 
Russell McVeagh | Senior HR Advisor
DLA Piper | Solicitor 
Minter Ellison (Sydney) | Solicitor 
DJ Freeman (London) | Solicitor 
Halifax Bank (London) | Solicitor 

Areas of expertise

  • General commercial
  • Commercial property transactions
  • Leasing 
  • Sale and Purchase of land 
  • Public Works Act 
  • Public law
  • OIA
  • Procurement
  • General contract drafting
  • Privacy impact assessments
  • Regulatory work
  • Governance
  • Legislative drafting


President, Island Bay Tennis club  
Junior Convenor, Island Bay Tennis club

  • Margot is a valued member of our team and, in fact, so valued that we keep asking her back!  I really value her experience, pragmatism and can-do attitude in dealing with issues.  She’s knowledgeable, approachable and her internal clients enjoy working with her.

    Simon Johnson

    General Counsel, Victoria University of Wellington

  • Margot is a wonderful addition to our team. I can not commend her highly enough. She is extremely competent and manages a very busy workload. She consistently receives glowing feedback from the internal stakeholders that deal with her. On top of all that, she is always bright and cheerful, and she makes a very positive contribution to our team culture.

    Jackie Anderson

    Acting General Counsel, Victoria University of Wellington

  • Margot is brilliant. She is helpful,proactive, has a can-do attitude, and a terrific personality that enables her to fit in so well.  I have appreciated Margot’s speedy research and getting to the bottom of gnarly issues with excellent advice, which has taken the pressure off me and the rest of the team. Margot has helped us out across the spectrum of broad issues we deal with.


    Name provided upon request

    , Public Sector Entity

Margot Lyons supports