Nicole MacFarlane

LLB (Hons), BA

Juno Lawyer


Nicole MacFarlane | Juno Legal | Lawyer


I have extensive experience in commercial and regulatory law, both in-house and in private practice.  I have worked for and alongside many organisations assisting them with legal and regulatory compliance and governance, including financial markets participants, regulators, and a wide range of corporates.  I truly believe in the role of the lawyer as a trusted adviser to the business being fully committed to it achieving its commercial and social purposes.

Juno Clients

TSB Bank, Southern Cross Health Society, IAG, Waka Kotahi - NZ Transport Agency, Christian Savings

Before Juno

DLA Piper New Zealand | Special Counsel  
Guardian Trust | Head of Legal and Company Secretary
Financial Markets Authority | Litigation Manager
Public Trust | Senior Corporate Solicitor
Gas Industry Company | General Counsel
Chapman Tripp | Principal

Areas of expertise

  • Financial markets law
  • Corporate governance
  • Commercial arrangements
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Dispute resolution
  • Overseas investment
  • It’s been such a relief to have Nicole aboard. She is very efficient and clearly highly competent. Her years of experience are quite apparent in her judgment and work product. It is so nice to have a safe pair of hands and she has settled in very quickly, easily navigating her way around the business – not always easy in a bank.

    Larissa Vaughan

    GM Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel, TSB Bank

  • Nicole’s fitting in really well and has cut through some ‘noisy’ issues with her great pragmatism and calm approach.



    Name provided upon request

    Chief Legal Officer, Private Sector Entity

  • We appreciate Nicole’s incredible expertise at this time when we find ourselves short of this skillset in our business, while we undertake a recruitment process.



    Vicki Caisley

    Chief People & Strategy, Southern Cross

  • Nicole stepped into the Company Secretary role with ease and was able to navigate significant complexity in the organisation structure and competing demands independently. Nicole quickly grew the trust of senior managers and her team in a time of change.

    Laura Valiant

    Chief Legal and Governance Officer, Southern Cross

  • Nicole quickly integrated into our team and made an immediate impact. She demonstrated excellent technical skills and effectively solved the problems we engaged her for. Nicole's contributions were outstanding, and she proved to be a valuable asset to the team.

    Sarita Hanif

    Operations Manager, Christian Savings

Nicole MacFarlane supports