This clause bank is part of our Juno Legal Resource Library and has a range of the most common legal clauses that we reach for whenever reviewing or preparing contracts – dispute resolution, payment terms and many others. We’ve endeavoured to draft these in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, “everyday English” style that strikes a reasonable middle ground between contracting parties.  


Adapt to your own in-house needs

The Juno Legal Clause Bank may become your go-to-place to find an assignment or waiver clause – in which case, great. But to get the most out of it, we encourage you to download it and adapt the clause bank to the requirements of your business so it can become an even more powerful tool for you and your legal team in serving the wider business. 

You could customise the clause bank so that your organisation’s “non-negotiable” clauses that are specific to your business are set out in once place. For example, your executive team may have decided that the company will never agree to arbitration as part of the dispute resolution process, or that payment terms must always be the 20th day of the month following the invoice. Often the in-house legal team knows these requirements but other people in your organisation, or new members of your team, may not. A place where these “must have” clauses are set out may be an efficient resource for the wider business.  

Please share back

In the spirit of openness and sharing, if you’ve got any great clauses you would like to share with the in-house legal community or any you think we should create and add, please share them with us. We intend to review and update the Juno Legal Clause Bank regularly. 

Thanks to our authors

Our grateful thanks go to the Juno lawyers who created, reviewed and negotiated the clause bank amongst themselves to ensure each clause is written in plain language and fairly reflects the interests of all parties: Matt Farrington, Mitch Julian, Anthea Herron and Jenny Ross. 

The Juno Legal Resource Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. In-house counsel may freely adapt and use this work however they see fit, without attribution or restriction. This work is provided as a template or reference material. We have not had regard to your legal position and this work is not legal advice. You must determine for yourself whether this work is suitable for you and/or your legal position. If you are not able to do so, you should seek legal advice.