Ngā mihi to Molly Ireland from Possibility Coach for this insightful and practical session on how aligning our head and heart can lead to clearer decisions, stronger relationships, and more meaningful work.
Participant feedback:

- “Such a great session—hugely relevant, well-prepared, and expertly delivered.”
- “Perfect timing after a challenging year. A valuable reminder of the power of emotional intelligence.”
- “Wonderful content. Molly was such a warm and genuine speaker, and her presentation was great.”
- “A breath of fresh air. Great and passionate speaker.”
- “Enjoyed the topic; the main takeaway for me was the need to build in time for reflection.”
If you missed this session or would like to catch up, in the spirit of our value of being open and generous, we’re pleased to share her insights in our Video Resources.
We want to thank Margot Lyons, Juno Lawyer, for summarising this Juno Learning Online CPD session for us.
Head Meet Heart
Molly Ireland’s session offers some great practical insights into balancing intellect (IQ) with emotional intelligence (EQ) and into why this is so important. Using the metaphor of a canyon, she describes the cliffs of knowledge as representing logic and intellect, and the valley of the heart as symbolising connection and meaning. Molly encourages participants to build a bridge between the two, integrating and making room for both perspectives. As she says, “Your IQ gets you hired, and your EQ gets you promoted.” Leaders who can balance both are better collaborators, decision -makers and relationship- builders.
Balancing IQ and EQ
At the core of Molly’s approach is the concept of the high heart- a state of clarity and connection. This isn’t about applying fluffy feelings but rather operating from a space where you can balance facts and feelings to ensure thoughtful, value-driven decisions are made. It’s a mindset that integrates both rational thought with emotional intelligence. Below are some of the tools Molly shared for achieving this balance.
Practical Tools:
- Recognise the unique strengths of the head and heart.
The head excels at solving problems logically, while the heart focuses on connection and alignment. By appreciating both and considering the facts alongside the emotional impacts you can foster better teamwork and make informed decisions.
- Reflect and create space
Molly emphasised the importance of taking time to reflect before reacting. Quoting Blaise Pascal, she noted, “All of humanity's problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room.” Reflection reduces impulsive actions and helps us navigate challenges more effectively. Dedicate 5 minutes daily to reflection.
- See emotions as data, not obstacles
Recognising and processing emotions constructively is key. Start by acknowledging your feelings and then ask, “What is this feeling telling me?” Understanding emotions- both yours and others- not only improves relationships but helps clarify priorities. As Molly said “Our emotions, when understood, and processed, become planks in the bridge between intellect and heart.”

- Overcome avoidance, denial and indulgence
Molly pointed out that many people avoid self-reflection, highlighting a study where 67% of men and 33% of women chose electric shocks over sitting quietly with their thoughts. Avoidance might feel safer, but addressing emotions builds up resilience and trust. Notice when you’re avoiding or denying emotions and ask yourself “What’s one small step I can take to address this ?”
- Incorporate gratitude
Molly notes that many studies have shown that gratitude is transformative; it reduces stress, enhances mood and boosts team morale. Gratitude shifts the focus from “what’s missing” to what’s present. A simple way to incorporate gratitude is by sharing successes in team meetings or reflecting on personal highlights.
Final Thoughts: Aligning for Meaningful Work/Life
The 'high heart' mindset integrates rational thought with deep emotional intelligence, ensuring that the decisions we make are both logical and human.
Molly reminds us that aligning our head and heart isn’t just about improving our professional lives—it’s about thriving in all aspects of life. Balancing IQ and EQ is essential for creating a meaningful and fulfilling professional and personal life.
Ngā mihi nui to Molly Ireland for sharing her expertise and caring this engaging session.
Thank you also to everyone who attended for your feedback and thoughtful engagement—it’s always a privilege to connect with our community through Juno Learning.
For those wanting to revisit the session or dive deeper into the concepts, we’re pleased to offer the following resources:
Explore Molly’s recommended resources:
- Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability (TED Talk)
- Can You Really Power an Organisation on Love? (Harvard Business Review)
Quiz yourself: Take our Head, Meet Heart quiz to revise and reflect on these key ideas.
Learn more from Molly Ireland at
Missed the session or want to revisit? Watch the session recording here.